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Scanning in a small LAN---is this method good?

Joined: 01 Apr 2008
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Hi everybody,

I have 25 PC connected in LAN, with Windows XP Prof/ SP2.
I need to scan ALL this PC-s in the shortest time possible without causing any trouble on the PCs.
I immagined the next scenario:
1) I will copy ClamWin Antivirus (following the procedure on this site) on an USB device
2) I will update the version from the USB device
3)I will copy the folder that exist on the USB device on the local hard drives of all my workstations.
Let's say that my worstations are names in the next manner: ws1, ws2,ws3........ws25
4)I will share the Clamwin folder copied on all worstations
5)I will close the another antivirus on all workstations
6) I will run it in the next manner:on ws2 I will run it from the share of ws1, on ws4 from the share of ws3, on ws6 from the share of ws5 and so on.Then I'll repeat this process for the worstations that wasn't scanned.

Questions: A) Can this method affect negatively my workstations?
B) Can this procedure work?(I suppose because I COPIED and shared the folder of ClamWin, it should be like using it on an USB device, but more rapid)

All my best,
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Joined: 14 Jan 2006
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Location: Belgium
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I'm missing something here: why don't you just run the local copies ?
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April fool joke

Joined: 16 Dec 2008
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This is the best April fool joke I have seen so far in such forums.

Bravo Sergiu!
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Scanning in a small LAN---is this method good?
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