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First Use, need Help

Joined: 05 Jul 2008
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I never used this before, now I am wodering if I even have the current version. Am I supposed to be using the Portable version? I am not using that one. It scanned C and D. Took a long time with dial up, of course, then reported Trojan Banload.OWJ in two locations and it cannot access file D. Does this mean I have a really bad virus that can't be removed? Should I search for a tool to remove Trojan Banload.OWJ?
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Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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Location: USA
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Welcome to ClamWin! The current verson of ClamWin is 0.93.1. It can be downloaded by accessing the ClamWin main page at on the Web and then selecting Download from the menu.

If you have a desktop computer, the normal verson of ClamWin (downloaded as per above) is what you need. If you have a laptop, you might want the more portable stand-alone verson of ClamWin, which I believe, is still supported by someone else.

Most times, if you have the same infection in more than one place, it is probably a "false positive" indication and not a real virus. You should verify any reported ClamWin infection before doing anything however, and you should probably set Clamwin's General Preferences to Report Only instead of Remove or Quarantine. You don't want to lose an important file to Quarantine if it is a false positive, and you don't certainly don't want to remove it. You can verify whether or not a file is infected by uploading it to either the Jotti or Virus Total fee scanning services. Jotti is at on the Web, and Virus Total is at on the Web.

If several other antiviruses at Jotti or Virus Total find that a file is also infected in addition to Clam, it probably is, and you can remove it manually from your computer by going to the location of the file with Windows Explorer, right clicking on the file, and then Delete. The ClamWin scan report shows the location of any infected files.

If it turns out that only a couple of other antiviruses besides ClamWin find a file is infected, it is probably a false positive, and you should go to the Clam submission form at on the Web. Fill out the form and upload a copy of the false positive file, but be sure to check the false positive block and tell Clam the name of the false positive virus. Clam Will verify the false positive and change their signature if need be.

I'm not sure what you mean by "file d," but if you don't have anything in your D drive (frequent D is the CD drive), you will get an error with Clamwin if you try to scan it.

With dial-up, you will have to update ClamWin's signatures manually a few times each day when you are on the Web, or you can set ClamWin's Internet Update Preferences to automatically update at a time/times when you are usually on the Web.

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Joined: 05 Jul 2008
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Thanks for replying. I have a laptop so I might try the portable version instead. I ran just D and found nothing, then I ran C again and got this:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Works\lnchtour.exe: Trojan.Banload.OWJ FOUND
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 339095
Engine version: 0.93.1
Scanned directories: 4703
Scanned files: 56136
Infected files: 1

Data scanned: 13288.61 MB
Time: 6918.297 sec (115 m 18 s)
-------------------------------------- Nothing else is finding this so I am just keeping an eye on it. I will assume it is a false positive for awhile at least. Thanks again.
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Antonio S.

Joined: 20 Apr 2008
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Location: Italy
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If you have already uploaded the suspect file to one the two sites listed by Guitarbob and no threats were found by most part of the AV's it is very likely that Clamwin has reported a false postive during the scan. If this is the case, pls notify ClamAV team using the form which can found at
Thus, you will help Clam to improve its detection abilities.

Thanks and regards,
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First Use, need Help
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