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Trojan.Spy-43557 found in CalmWinAVir

Joined: 04 Jul 2008
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I tried to scan memory and here are the really strange results. It seems, that the scanner is inficated itself. Have a look:

"…CalmWinAVir_PORTABLE09301\App\clamwin\lib\pythoncom23.dll: Trojan.Spy-43557 FOUND"


"…CalmWinAVir_PORTABLE09301\App\clamwin\lib\gizmosc.pyd: Trojan.Spy-43557 FOUND"

Have you any idea what does it mean?
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Antonio S.

Joined: 20 Apr 2008
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Location: Italy
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Just to be sure, are you using Clamwin or another application named CalmWinAVir? Usually portable Clamwin is available at
so pls make sure if you are using the right application.

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Joined: 04 Jul 2008
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Thanks for reply, Antonio,

but, of course, I am using the right "ClamWinPortable" scanner. The name of the parent folder was generated by that PortableApps installer.
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Antonio S.

Joined: 20 Apr 2008
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I have downloaded Clamwin Portable from, installed and run it from USB drive choosing to scan Programs in computer memory. Report came our out clean (see below).
*** Scanning Programs in Computer Memory ***
*** Memory Scan: using ToolHelp ***

*** Scanned 28 processes - 417 modules ***
*** Computer Memory Scan Completed ***

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 339057
Engine version: 0.93.1
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 445
Infected files: 0

Data scanned: 209.43 MB
Time: 157.484 sec (2 m 37 s)

I have found the two files you have mentioned also in my bin directory, have scanned both with the Clamwin version installed on my machine as well as with my resident AV (Avira Antivir free): nothing was found.
My feeling that the two mentioned files have been replaced by some sort of malware. My suggestion would be to download the software once again and replace the copy you have.

Hope this helps,
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Joined: 04 Jul 2008
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Thanks mate,

I changed the older instalation for the newest one. It does work.

Thanks a lot.
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Trojan.Spy-43557 found in CalmWinAVir
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